Monday 11 February 2013

Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI

It is with sadness that I hear the news of the Pope resigning from the See of Peter to which God called him, partly because it may set a precedent for future Popes to resign under wrongful pressure. Yet I trust that The Holy Father has taken this decision for the good of the Church and that the Lord will lead us through this situation to a great and unexpected good. Let us pray for this holy man, and for the Church in this unprecedented situation (Pope Gregory XII resigned only to end the Great Western Schism).

We must hope that the strides Pope John Paul II made in clarifying doctrine via the Catechism (adroitly aided by the then Cardinal Ratzinger) and the strides Pope Benedict XVI made in liturgical renewal, will be solidified his successor.

We ask the intercession of Mary, Mother of God and of The Church;
of Saints Peter and Paul,
and the grace of Almighty God.

1 comment:

  1. I will pray Father for our Pope Benedict and for his successor that the good work which he has begun may continue to be solidified and we will see a return of the lapsed, especially the youth who are crying out for something more than is offered to them in some forms of liturgy. May God Bless and keep our Holy Father.


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